Roots and Blooms Guarantee

We guarantee delivery of only live, healthy plants to your doorstep. If the plant you receive is not an alive and healthy specimen, please take a photo immediately, and email it to; Plants reported in 30 days to not be healthy, alive, or in otherwise good condition, will be replaced or refunded. If you have a concern regarding your plant that doesn’t necessarily require immediate replacement, contact us regarding the situation. We will make a note of it, and extend your warranty out.


We don’t have any way of knowing the specific weather conditions being experienced by every customer. Therefore, understanding your own weather conditions is your responsibility. If your area is extremely cold or hot during a particular month, and you place an order, you are assuming the risk of the safe arrival of live plants to you. Please be sure to leave a note for your FedEx or UPS deliveryman for proper placement of packages to avoid prolonged temperature exposure.


The customer takes full responsibility for providing care to the plants once in your possession. Customer agrees to open the box and take care of the plants received immediately. Failure of live, healthy plants to thrive is the responsibility of the customer after 30 days. However, please do feel free to contact us for planting and care assistance if you need additional guidance.


Plants are generally shipped the next business day, and cancellations need to be brought to our attention before shipment. Once plants are delivered, no cancellations are granted. Customers that wish to return plants may be subject to a 20% restocking fee.